Sarah planned an adventure and asked her good friend Karen if she was up for the ride, and when I say ride I mean it. They decided to do The Mongol Rally to raise money for charities and have an adventure along the way. They left from London and somewhere in remote Khazakhstan met up with another team which Dom was a part of.
A great friendship ensued and when the rally was over Dom, a native Brit decided that he would come to Australia for a month to have a look around and spend time with his new found friends.
The rest as they say is history...
The wedding ceremony was held on Minnamurra point, it was a beautiful day with a little breeze and sun shining. Followed by a reception at the Sebel in Kiama.
I would recommend telling someone this athletic that a light jog does not mean run for the photo...we all had a laugh at my telling them to slow down :)